Learn To Laugh

Damon Ora Bailee Trey

Friday, January 30, 2009

Beautiful Barstools

I didn't make a new post last night because I got home pretty late and was exhausted. I tried to stay awake to watch the weather forecast, but the last thing I remember is the St George 7 day. So close!
Bailee is having a field trip to the Bean Museum today. She's been so excited because she was told it was at BYU and she thought it meant she was going to a football game. After I explained it to her she wasn't disapointed, thank goodness. Their class has earned a snow and treat day by having good behavior over a long period of time. So, they're doing that after they get back from the musem. All the kids got to bring their snow clothes to school, then after playing in the snow, go inside for hot chocolate and cookies. She has been sooo excited about this activity! She's probably having her post-snow treat right now. On Tuesday, for the 100th day of school, the students had to write a sentence about what they would do if they were given $100. Bailee wrote that she would buy me some snow pants. Very sweet. I doubt most kids would want to spend their $100 on their mom.
Trey had a really hard time dropping off Bailee at school again yesterday. He was yelling things at me I didn't understand at all, and then threw his cracker at me. Today he was still upset but better.

I went online to order my new barstools yesterday and the 15% discount had been discontinued that I saw last week. I was bummed but figured there was no point in ordering it if I don't get the discount when I can just pick them up at Target. I wish I could've saved money, but it was nice having them right away. They look be-u-tiful, not to mention how perfect they go with our modern house. Ok, so nobody really cares as much as I do, but whatever, right?!

1 comment:

  1. How did you get them home??? I bet that was fun getting them in the car!!
