Learn To Laugh

Damon Ora Bailee Trey

Friday, February 18, 2011

Trey Turns 4!

On January 8, my baby Trey man turned 4. To start the celebrating he had an Iron Man party with his friends. I love this age. The boys were so intense and so into their super hero talk/language or whatever it is. So fun.

Opening some gifts.

So, the little guy picked chocolate cupcakes for his party. Bailee and I made the cupcakes and he wouldn't touch them. Stinker. Iron Man doesn't like chocolate cupcakes I guess.

We had a little party for Trey one Sunday afternoon at grandma and papa Argyle's house.
Anxiously awaiting the gifts.

Ever so intently opening the gifts.

Trey chose mint brownies for his birthday dessert at the grandparents house. (This treat used to be his favorite.) Thinking we had a winner this time, I was greatly mistaken. He wouldn't touch them because of the mint.

On the morning of his birthday I asked Trey what he wanted for breakfast. Blue waffles. So I made him blue waffles and surprise surprise, he wouldn't eat them because they were blue.

Opening the rest of his gifts.

My sweet little guy.

I asked Trey if I could go buy him anything for his birthday treat. Anything in the world he would want. He was excited and said he wanted donuts. So I hopped in the car and bought some donuts. Blue is his favorite color and they just so happened to have donuts with blue frosting that day. Perfect, or so I thought. As you probably guessed, he wouldn't touch the doughnut because it was blue and not chocolate. Dang it! I just wanted to bake or buy or do anything he wanted so he could feel special and he just wasn't letting me! What's a mom to do? The way to Trey's heart is definitely not through his stomach. However, I wasn't paying enough attention to the real way to his heart.
Here's the clues he's been sending me for a long time:

He grabs my hand every time I walk past the counter when he's eating to give it a little squeeze and doesn't want to let go.
He doesn't care to watch cartoons unless there is a TV near where I'll be.
His two never-ending questions. "Are you proud?" "Are you happy?"
The expression on his face when he hears the garage open when Damon gets home from work.
The expression on his face when Bailee gets home from school.
When he does something kind for someone and says, "that's showing love."
His eyes start to well up because he misses someone he loves.

I could go on of course. He is such a sweet boy who lives to love and lives to be loved. The toys come 2ND. (Food dead last.) I'm so blessed to have him in my life!

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