Learn To Laugh

Damon Ora Bailee Trey

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Happy post-Easter everyone! Hopefully everyone had as great of an Easter as we did. I tried to do some activities the week before Easter to help my kids understand the atonement and resurrection. We had many neat experiences as a family and now Bailee has entered a whole new level of spiritual questions. Guess I better study beforehand next year. We made Savior Cookies the night before Easter. I'll be posting the recipe with pics on my recipe blog soon, so check it out sometime this week.

They sell these pooping bunnies everywhere and it was actually pretty funny. It randomly poops as it walks. Am I too old to think that it's funny? Probably never.
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Bailee woke up at 6:30 am on Easter morning, ready and waiting for our Easter egg hunt. Trey, Damon, and I were determined to sleep in, so the next 2 hours Bailee cuddled in bed with me and talked my ear off. I'm not gonna lie. All I heard was "Easter bunny" and felt alot of finger pokes in my back.

"Fooooooooooooball!" Trey had no problem figuring out which eggs were his.

The kids and their Easter bunny goods. Bailee was hoping the Easter bunny would hide her stuff better this year. Unfortunately, the Easter Bunny's husband left the pantry door open a crack where her stuff was hidden.

Saturday, we went to Damon's parents house for dinner and an Easter egg hunt. So fun sorting the candy mound.

After probably 3 minutes of looking for candy, Trey brought some cars to me and said "I found!" as if he had discovered the greatest Easter find of all. From then on he quietly played cars on the coffee table. Well, at least until he threw one at Ryker's head and made him bleed.

On Friday I helped out with Bailee's class Easter party. My group did a cake walk. Trey apparently thinks he's a first grader.

One of these things is not like the other.

Got frosting?


  1. Looks like your kids made out like bandits with all of the Easter loot they got! That pooping bunny is so ridiculous, who comes up with these things. Hilarious! I love Trey's bed head in the picture where his carrying his shoes. So cute!

  2. Cute kids! I bet Bailee loved having Trey at school with her.
