Learn To Laugh

Damon Ora Bailee Trey

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Snow in Autumn

Last winter Trey was sick alot and I never let him him play in the snow. A couple weeks ago when when we woke up to a foot of snow, Trey and I ran to Walmart and bought some snow clothes for him. We spent the rest of the morning playing in the snow together. What a happy boy! All the times last year we stood in front of the window together, staring at his dad and sister making snowmen, was forgotten that morning. Just me and my Trey.

I honestly hate the snow and winters here in Utah. If you know me, you know I complain alot about the cold here. Watching Trey and his excitement gave me a little reality check. The Lord has blessed me. A beautiful little boy, beautiful girl, and loving husband...the snow on a fall day...neighbors who shovel a path for your car, and yes, even a driveway to shovel. Take a little time and give our Father in Heaven some credit by enjoying our blessings.

After Trey's nap and Bailee's homework, Trey went outside for a second time and was able to play with some friends and his sis. He fell in the window well and was furious with me when I pulled him out. He thought it was a blast in there. The snow day ended with the kids and their friends warming up by the fire with hot chocolate and pumpkin cookies. I look forward to a lifetime of days like this.

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